Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Free Baby Signs Starter Kit Contest

The folks at Baby Signs have been gracious enough to sponsor a contest to give away a free Baby Signs Starter Kit. To enter the contest, please email me with a short paragraph on why you would like to receive the kit....or you may email me with a short story of a sign that your baby has "made up". Please include your name and email address. If I like you story, I would love to post my favorites on the blog (I won't post your name or contact info), but please note whether you give me permission to post the paragraph. Winners will actually be chosen at random. In the mean time, please scroll down and take advantage of the 50% discount that Baby Signs is offering this month (January) on their starter kit. I will be running the contest until Feb. 8. 09 in order to allow my workshop attendees to participate.
email entries to Lucidhawaii@mac.com


Unknown said...

I have been doing sign language with my son almost since birth. I have known sign language myself for YEARS and could not wait to use it with my children! I have hreard wonderful things about using signs with babies. I have a lot of signs (although I need a refresher since I am out of practice) but now I need the strategies on how to teach my son. I think this starter kit would be perfect! Thanks for the opportunity and chance to win!

monster said...

My wife was so excited to start showing our newborn daughter some baby signs. Once my daughter turned about 3 months old, my wife started signing words like "milk", "eat", and "more". Honestly, I thought it was just silly too sign to a baby at such a young age, but I went with the flow. Of course that meant that I had to learn them too! I did. And, I reinforced all the signs that my wife had shown the baby. You can't imagine my elation when I saw my 6 month old ask me for "more" food! I was so excited. I took out the video camera. As predicted, she wouldn't do it again for the camera. By 12 mos. my baby signed to us that her ear was hurting; she told us that food is hot; and in three quick signs she spoke a complete sentence...eat more apple! What can I say - the Baby Signs program is awesome! We're working on having another baby and this time...I'm completely on board with Baby Signs. Please feel free to post my comments. I'm hopeful that it will encourage other Daddies to "talk" to their babies more.

Unknown said...

I have used Baby Signs with all of my boys, I can't imagine not teaching a baby to sign! The reduced tantrums alone are enough to convince most anyone, but add on higher IQ, greater reading and vocabulary skills and it's a no-brainer. My one year old loves saying "Thank You" when he gets what he wants. Out in public people love this sign because it looks like they are blowing you kisses. Baby Signs Rocks!

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