Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Introductory Baby Sign Language Workshops

Baby Signing Hawaiian Style is offering introductory BABY SIGN LANGUAGE WORKSHOPS. The workshops will give you the resources to learn how to communicate with your little ones before they develop speech. This introductory workshop will cover the following topics: what is baby sign language, why you should sign with your baby, the benefits of signing with your child, how to get started and resources for continuation. We will also teach you a handful of useful signs so that you can get started right away. There is a $25 fee, bring your baby. Come share the joy of signing with us! The workshops will be held at the Koloa Neighborhood Center, Mon. Feb 2, 2-3:30p or Mon., March 2, 2-3:30p and at the Kalaheo Neighborhood Center, Mon., Feb. 2, 6:30-8p or Sat., Feb. 7, 10:30-noon. We encourage childcare providers to participate. Individuals, parenting groups, childcare facilities & church groups can also host a workshop. Email me for more info:

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